
OrbRom Center: Evaluating Special Education Services in Phnom Penh

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Exercises for Learning Positional Words

Positional words are words that describe the location of one object in relation to another. They are an important part of English grammar and vocabulary, and they can be used to create clear and concise sentences. There are many different positional words, but some of the most common ones include: above below beside behind in front of on under near far between Benefits of Learning Positional Words Learning positional words can have many benefits for children, including: Improved communication skills: Children who know positional words can use them to describe the location of objects, which can help them communicate more effectively with others. Better understanding of spatial relationships: Positional words can help children understand how objects relate to each other in space. This can be helpful for tasks such as playing games, building structures, and navigating their environment. Increased vocabulary: Learning positional words can help children expand their vocab

How to Teach Students with Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a learning disorder that can make it difficult for people to read, write, and spell. However, with the right teaching methods, students with dyslexia can succeed in school and beyond. Here are some tips on how to teach students with dyslexia: Use multisensory instruction.  This means using a variety of senses to help students learn, such as sight, hearing, touch, and movement. For example, you could use flashcards with pictures, read aloud to students, or have them trace letters and words with their fingers. Break down tasks into smaller steps.  This can help students stay focused and avoid feeling overwhelmed. For example, if you are asking students to write a paragraph, you could break it down into smaller steps, such as brainstorming ideas, writing a rough draft, and editing the final product. Provide clear and concise instructions.  Students with dyslexia may have difficulty understanding complex or lengthy instructions. Make sure your instructions are clear an

Dyslexia in Phnom Penh: What You Need to Know

Dyslexia is a learning disability that affects how a person reads, writes, and spells. It is a lifelong condition, but it can be managed with the right support. In Cambodia, the prevalence of dyslexia is estimated to be around 10%. This means that there are likely thousands of children and adults in Phnom Penh who are living with dyslexia . If you are concerned that your child or a loved one may have dyslexia , there are a few things you can do. First, talk to your doctor or a qualified psychologist. They can assess your child's reading, writing, and spelling skills and determine if they meet the criteria for a diagnosis of dyslexia . If your child is diagnosed with dyslexia , there are a number of resources available to help them succeed. There are special education programs in Phnom Penh that can provide your child with the extra support they need. There are also a number of private tutors who specialize in working with children with dyslexia. In addition to educational s

Playing with Food

Playing with food is a great way for children to explore their senses and learn about the world around them. It can help them develop their fine motor skills, problem-solving skills, and creativity. Sensory playing with food can also be a lot of fun! There are many different ways to play with food in a sensory way. Here are a few ideas: Touch:  Let your child explore different textures of food, such as smooth, crunchy, soft, and slimy. You can do this by giving them different fruits and vegetables to touch, or by letting them play with dough or slime. Sight:  Let your child explore different colors and shapes of food. You can do this by giving them brightly colored fruits and vegetables, or by letting them play with playdough or kinetic sand. Taste:  Let your child taste different flavors of food. You can do this by giving them safe foods to taste, such as fruits, vegetables, and yogurt. Smell:  Let your child smell different scents of food. You can do this by giving them diffe

The Benefits of Sensory Rooms for Children with Autism

Sensory rooms are becoming increasingly popular as a way to help children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). These rooms are designed to provide a calming and relaxing environment that can help children with ASD to regulate their sensory input and improve their focus and attention. There are many benefits to using a sensory room for children with ASD. Some of the most common benefits include: Reduced sensory overload:  Sensory overload is a common problem for people with ASD. It can be caused by too much or too little sensory input. A sensory room can help to reduce sensory overload by providing a controlled environment where children can experience sensory input in a safe and comfortable way. Improved focus and attention:  A sensory room can help children with ASD to focus and pay attention. This is because the calming and relaxing environment of the room can help to reduce distractions and make it easier for children to focus on the task at hand. Increased relaxation:  A sen

10 Ways to Help People with Autism

There are many ways to help people with autism. Here are 10 of the most effective: Early intervention .  Early intervention is essential for helping children with ASD reach their full potential. Early intervention programs can help children learn communication skills, social skills, and self-help skills. Behavioral therapy .  Behavioral therapy can help people with ASD learn new behaviors and change unwanted behaviors. Behavioral therapy can be done in individual or group settings. Speech therapy .  Speech therapy can help people with ASD improve their communication skills. Speech therapy can help people with ASD learn how to communicate more effectively, both verbally and non-verbally. Occupational therapy .  Occupational therapy can help people with ASD develop their fine motor skills and gross motor skills. Occupational therapy can also help people with ASD learn how to manage their daily activities. Support groups.  Support groups can provide a safe and supportive environme